New to Invisalign? Here are some helpful hints.
If you're about to begin Invisalign treatment, you probably have many questions about what to expect. Starting orthodontic treatment can be intimidating at first, but it becomes second nature after the first month or two. These pointers will make your treatment and dental hygiene as straightforward as possible. Take your aligners out only to eat, drink, and clean. Simply because your aligners are detachable does not imply that you should take them out whenever you wish. Wear your aligners for at least 20 to 22 hours per day to keep on track with your treatment. Store your aligners safely. You've probably heard horror stories of teens who had their retainers eaten by their pets. Invisalign aligners are in the same boat. If you leave them out, dogs will eat them, and you may lose them. Keep your aligners clean daily. Even though you will only be wearing your aligners for two weeks on average, you must maintain them clean. Plaque and bacteria will build up if you don't, causin...