What Should You Get Invisalign over Traditional Braces?

Invisalign is a removable teeth aligner that works well for mild to moderate teeth alignment issues. Several people are opting for this type of aligner instead of traditional braces these days. You can also get Invisalign in Clarkston, MI.

Invisalign in Clarkston

There are several benefits to using Invisalign instead of traditional braces. Here are some such benefits.

Better oral hygiene

Traditional braces can make it quite difficult to brush and floss your teeth. This may cause even worse dental problems such as tooth decay and plaque build-up. However, since Invisalign are removable, you can easily clean your teeth and maintain proper dental hygiene.

More comfortable

Traditional braces use metal brackets, wires, and rubber bands to align your teeth. This can become uncomfortable quite easily. However, Invisalign uses a hard plastic, and it fits your teeth in a way that is not uncomfortable for your mouth. Moreover, the process of making Invisalign is also quite easy compared to traditional braces.

Better aesthetics

Invisalign is made from clear plastic, so it is virtually invisible. So, while you are straightening your teeth, no one else will know about it. Unlike traditional braces, they also take much less time to work. You can usually finish Invisalign treatment within a year.

To conclude

As you can see, Invisalign has a lot of benefits over traditional braces.
If you are thinking about getting an Invisalign in 48328 Clarkston, MI, you can get this treatment from Stannard, Studt & Tironi Dentistry, a complete dental clinic.

For more details about Invisalign and Braces in Clarkston MI please visit our website: stannardstudttironidentistry.com


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